Saturday, April 25, 2009

Corporate Illustrations

I did some illustrations for an e-learning company based in the US. These were some of my studies.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Life Drawings

The good old days in Filcartoons. I did these drawings almost 11 years ago. During our down time in the studio, we used to conduct life drawing classes. Arnold Taroy, our life drawing mentor, taught us the Glenn Vilppu approach in figure drawing.

Book Illustration

I did some illustrations for a book that my colleagues in school wrote. It's a text book in basic video production entitled "Media Kit." Here are some of my works:

Digital Paintings

Going bananas over Painter X.
Oil and chalk pastel rendering using Painter X.

Outline done using a brush pen and colored with Painter X.

More Pen and Ink Sketches

Doodling while in a meeting.

Did this one while waiting for my kids in front of their school.

My daughter Patty when she was still eight months old.

Sketched the first thing that I saw in front of me. Obviously, I was in a sitting position looking down.

Walt Disney in his younger years.

Sketched Hans Bacher's book while drinking my coffee. "Dream Worlds" is a must have for serious students of animation.